About Us

About Us

Our Vision

SPIRO envisions a future where all Canadians, regardless of their geographic location or cultural background, have equitable access to accurate and timely spirometry-based diagnosis and integrated respiratory care. We strive for a world where individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) can breathe easier, leading healthier and more fulfilling lives.

Mission Statement

The mission of SPIRO is to enhance the quality of life for individuals with COPD in rural, remote, and First Nations communities in British Columbia. We are dedicated to revolutionizing healthcare by promoting ‘Spirometry as Care’ through evidence-based, culturally-sensitive interventions that bridge the healthcare gaps. Our multidisciplinary team aims to create a comprehensive, integrated care model that transforms the delivery of spirometry services and improves respiratory health outcomes.


At SPIRO, our purpose is to drive systemic change in the provision of spirometry and associated respiratory care services, ensuring that these essential diagnostic and therapeutic resources reach underserved populations. We are committed to eliminating misdiagnoses, disparities in access, and inappropriate care by implementing an equitable, diverse, and inclusive approach.

Our purpose is grounded in evidence-based interventions that address structural, process, and behavioral factors, all guided by the quintuple aims of healthcare. SPIRO is dedicated to building trust, fostering equity, and promoting communication in our collaborative efforts to improve the health and well-being of COPD patients, particularly in marginalized and remote communities.